
Packaging design of Cider Bohemia

In my thesis I will create a visual identity and packaging design of the company Cider Bohemia. It is a Czech company producing products from apples - ciders, musts and apple vinegar.

Mind Map ![Gray box placeholder image, for position only.](/english-for-designers/06-clarity-first/thesis-mind-map.png)

Voice & Tone


  1. This company is a social enterprise. It employs the disabled and the long-term unemployed.
  2. Production that does not put too much strain on nature.
  3. They use only local resources.
  4. They produce craft cider using traditional methods.
  5. The company owns firt Cider pub in Czech republic.
  6. The targed group are adults (both - men and women) mostly between 25-55 yearls old. They mostly look for alternative drinks or bars. They prefer local products and bio products.
  7. The current problems of the company are: inconsistent visual communication, unattractive labels, inconsistency in the company’s philosophy and its presentation.


New visual identity and packaging should:



Czech companies

Foreign companies


  1. VYSEKALOVÁ, Jitka a Jiří MIKEŠ. Image a firemní identita
  2. KAFKA, Ondřej a Michal KOTYZA. Logo & corporate identity
  3. HEALEY, Matthew. Co je branding?
  4. DUPUIS, Steven a John SILVA. Package design workbook: the art and science of successful packaging
  5. HELLER, Jan. 1000 Obalový design. Nejlepší nápady pro kartony, krabice, tašky a láhve
  6. CALVER, Giles. What is packaging design?. Mies, Švýcarsko: RotoVision
  7. AIREY David. Logo, nápad, návrh, realizace
  8. UHROVÁ, Helena. Jak se dělá cidre, calvados, pommeau